Friday, 31 October 2008

hey 2E4!

thought i'd like to post.

well, the chalet was great!
thanks to the organisers and avery's parents...

i really enjoyed myself. i'm sure you did too!
it's great, and to those who did contribute to the bbq, well done!

we had fun being together in activities, and though we'll be in different classes next year, we'll still meet up in gatherings or future class chalets. ;D
i know it's our last chance to be together as a class in 2008, but we'll find a chance to get together, won't we?

i'll miss 2e4'08 forever, and you're the most lovable class ever!
and you've all made my day!
2e4'o8 is the best of all! ;D

JiaMin <3

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