hmmm.. hmmmmm... i would like to do some credits and blah now.. FIRSTLY.... i would like to thank my mom for helping out at the party.. i think she's in the kitchen for the whole afternoon? (aiya.. she wont be reading this.. wat for i type.. but nvm..) Btw ppl, my mom contributed to the spaghetti.. =D SECONDLY, i would like to thank everyone for helping out whenever you can..be it bringing down/up stuff, writing everyone's name on the cup, clear the dustbin and so on.. Thank YOU very much! THIRDLY, i would like to thank YOU for making this party possible and a succesful one. =D i hope i did my 'hosting' job well enough.. i would like to apologise for letting you all get caught in the rain a couple of times.. oh btw, you ppl are the funniest party-goers i have ever seen.. you ppl drink so little! i have a couple of bottles left.. so.. instead of saying i 'earn' right.. think it as you are paying for my water and gas bills ba.. haha.. NOTE: EVERYONE GETS TO HAVE A DOLLAR BACK! WILL REFUND WHEN SCHOOL REOPENS. lemme show u who got whose presents.. HAHA.. (the arrow means give..) Daniel->Shao Qi->Shu Yi->Jia Min->Jie Lin->Janice->Chin Wei->Aina->Yun Ping->Xing Zhe->Xuan Wen->Cheng Da->Daniel Hua Shan->Felicia->Avery->Si Xuan->Kenneth->Li Xing->Swee Kun-> Jia Hui->Hui Xian->Hua Shan Josephine->Krystal->Josephine Dawn->Nian Kang->Jing Yi->Ee Siong->Dawn =D =D Oh! Xuan Wen!
Hey! :D
Huashan's thinking of watching twilight or yes man before xuanwen's christmas party on 24th dec. Time: 11am Venue: Outside Lot One theater Do bring money for the tickets...haha. The timing for movies is as follows: Twilight 12.20pm, 2.40pm, (the rest are too late) Yes Man 11.20am, 1.20pm, 3.20pm, (the rest are too late) Please inform huashan if you're going, or not going. Just sms or call her! :D dawn
Um, for people's reference, please try not to post any entries as i want this entry to be at the top of the page.
NOTE: IT'S NOT A BBQ. IT'S HELD AT THE FUNCTION ROOM. =) Hey people, i'm sure you all have heard abt the christmas party on the 24th december, wednesday. So.. let me summarise.. Date: 24/12/08 Venue: Xuan Wen's condo(take train to Yew Tee MRT) Timing: Afternoon-10pm SHARP.(In the afternoon, you all can come play games like basketball,badminton,pool or swimming. Dinner will start at abt 5pm. You all can arrive and leave at anytime you want.. but everyone must leave by 10pm or so. I don't want you all to miss the last train or get home too late. I'm booking the billard room from 2pm to 3pm & 5pm to 6pm) Dress code: White, green, red, black. (dont end up looking like a christmas tree..=D) Those going swimming, please wear proper swimsuit. You r not allowed to wear shirts inside the pool. Note: There's toilet for bathing if you wish to bathe. Please bring yr own soap and stuff for bathing. =P Price to pay: $6/- (To pay on the same day) It would be better if you all can come in groups la.. so.. you all discuss among yrselves or something? then after each grp confirm their own timing, inform me wat time yr coming.. There WILL be a gift exchange..Please bring a present that's worth abt $5-10 and suitable for both guys and girls as you will only know who you are giving it to on that night.We will exchange after the meal! Of course, you can DIY a present yrself but make sure it's presentable and memorable! =D BTW, THERE WILL BE A LUCKY DRAW!!! 11 PRESENTS TO BE WON!! =D =D Those who are going are: Daniel, Chin Wei, Si Xuan, Nian Kang, Jing Yi, Aina, Swee Kun, Jia Hui, Kenneth, Josephine, Krystal, Cheng Da, Shu Yi, Hui Xian, Xuan Wen, Jie Lin, Avery, Xing Zhe, Dawn, Jia Min, Yun Ping, Shao Qi, Phillip, Hua Shan, Ee Siong, Janice, Felicia. Not going: Jonathan, Shi Gu, Luzerne, Li Yuan, Justina, Zhi Hao, Zhe Jun, Beverly, Ye Fun, Casey, Jaslyn, Lixing, Kaidi. did i leave out anything? message me if there's anything. =D hope everything goes smoothly.. Oh! Xuan Wen! |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() profile Forever the great and united 1E4`07 We belong to the Confidence With high self esteem And we will blaze a path of glory
Our Class List
A class by the guidance of Ms Tsao Su OChairperson : Koh Hua Shan Vice-Chairperson : Kenneth Kok Wei Jie Secretary : Kok Cheng Da Treasurer & Cleaniness I/C : Yeo Shao Qi And the rest of the 36 genius: ♥1 Beverly Kok ♥2 Casey Koh Miao Li ♥3 Chan Yee Chong Philip ♥4 Cheong Li Yuan ♥5 Chew Swee Kun ♥6 Chew Yun Ping ♥7 Chia Xiu Qi Krystal ♥8 Chin Nian Kang ♥9 Chong Yow Kit Avery ♥10 Chua Si Xuan ♥11 Chua Yan Yi Felicia ♥12 Daniel Chan Shao Xuan ♥13 Gan Li Xing ♥14 Janice Heng Su Yi ♥15 Jaslyn Ng Xin Hui ♥16 Justina Leong Jing Wen ♥17 Koh Ai Na ♥18 Koh Hua Shan ♥19 Koh Xing Zhe ♥20 Kok Cheng Da ♥21 Kok Wei Jie ♥22 Kuek Jia Hui ♥23 Lim Jing Yi ♥24 Lim Zhi Hao ♥25 Luzerne Cheng ♥26 Ng Guan Hee Jonathan ♥27 Ng Jie Lin ♥28 Oh Xuan Wen ♥29 Ong Jia Min ♥30 Pang Ye Fun ♥31 Peng KaiDi ♥32 Phang Chin Wei ♥33 Sim Hui Xian ♥34 Tan Ee Siong ♥35 Tan Jia Ying Dawn ♥36 Tan Shu Yi ♥37 Tang Zhe Jun ♥38 Yeo Shao Qi ♥39 Yuan Shi Gu ♥40 Josephine Koh Wan Ting links archvies By post: